This weekend I had the wonderful opportunity of attending a monotype workshop in the studio of Roger Goldenberg. I have been curious about monotypes for a long time and thought it could be a good way to expand my creative language. My good friend, Jean, who was way overdue for a Portsmouth visit signed up, too! (We went to art school together some gazillion years ago) And only when I arrived at the studio, did I realize that one of my neighbors was also a participant! It was a great group and a couple of FULL days. On the first day, we worked on lexan plates. These are a bit thick to go through the press and so require hand rubbing or pressing with a heavy rolling pin onto the paper. The beauty of this method is that it can be easily replicated at home. We worked initially in reductive manner, which was a great way to explore mark making with a variety of implements, and then by applying inks to the plate in additive approach. Day two brought aluminum plates, which were better suited to going through the press and afforded experimentation with embossing. Possibilities are infinite! Roger did a wonderful job of teaching many methods in a relaxed manner and in helping us all to maximize our printing time by doing the grunt work of cleaning our plates and tools, so that we could focus on creating. What a treat!! He is a very generous instructor and I would encourage anyone with an interest in printmaking to look into his upcoming workshops.