Monday, August 30, 2010

art is essential

There is a prevailing train of thought that when times gets financially challenging, one of the first areas to be cut from the budget are those relating to the arts……which are deemed “non-essential”. I would like to offer a different perspective. Art elevates the quality of our lives. Whether sitting in a theater immersed in a play, listening to musicians in a club or relaxing at home enjoying a painting, art can provide exhilaration, solace or a place for contemplation. It’s a place to clear our brains and breathe again. Pretty important, I would say.

Friday, August 20, 2010

2011 calendar

My 2011 calendar is in the works!! We are keeping the same size and format, but making some subtle shifts in the design. I'm excited to see it printed...probably in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

working away

Lula and I have been working away on some new acrylic paintings. Actually mostly, I am working and she is napping, but we all have our jobs. I am very interested in creating both a beautiful image which speaks to the spiritual quality of nature .....AND a beautiful surface. It's kind of a tall order, but I am making my way.