Tuesday, November 17, 2009

something new!!

There is something new in my online shop...... my very first, hot off the press, holiday card!!!
I KNOW, we all like to think that the holidays are off in the distance, but before you know it, we will be in that whirlwind of decorating, baking, shopping and socializing that make the holiday season a fun, but hectic time. So get a jump on things and order your cards early!

Monday, November 16, 2009

2010 calendars at the MFA

My friend was recently at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts gift shop and snapped this picture of my calendars on display there! This is the third year that I have been fortunate enough to sell my calendars at the MFA and it is still super exciting!

Monday, November 2, 2009

AND..........a recent not so small pastel

small works in acrylic

I just finished up some small paintings in acrylic. NO, not as small as the mini pastels for the deCordova gala. These are 6"x6". Some are on canvas and some on panel. It's nice when working this size, to be able to experiment with materials. In some cases I primed the surface with modeling paste. In some I used iridescence in the paint and / or finished with a glossy "leveling" gel.