I have been working away on some acrylic paintings for the Nahcotta Landscape Show. Last week at some point, I thought to myself, I LOVE this medium. Wasn’t always so. Several years ago, when I began to explore acrylics, I was aggravated when they did not behave in the same manner as pastels with which I have had many years of experience. So more often than not, I would pack the paints up after a brief time and return to my familiar, trusted pastels. Two years ago, I decided to commit to this relationship. True, acrylics are not as immediate as pastels. Not always as opaque…..AND they dry a bit darker. BUT, they have many wonderful qualities of their own. I am really enjoying exploring textures and iridescence which are now available to me. The paint can go thickly with a palette knife, or be brushed on in many transparent layers yielding a rich, luminous surface. I feel as though I am on the verge of some exciting new work. Glad I stuck it out. The best is yet to come.